and generate a custom report.

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AI-Powered Reports:
Detailed, Powerful, Effortless.

Reports, Richly Graphed

Transform your reports with our advanced graphing tools, bringing data to life for deeper analysis and compelling storytelling.


Customise End-to-End

Tailor every report to fit your unique
needs and preferences.

Workflow automation

Seamlessly integrate data, navigate through custom pipelines, and connect to your systems

Extracts anything

Built to extract information from complex documents, images, invoices, and more, creating custom
reports for you.

Thanks to Superdash, we've developed a custom LLM workflow that effortlessly extracts information from external systems and creates reports for our clients.

Jeorge's Photo

Max Chmyshuk

Co-founder | Juno AI

Everything you need to scale your process

API access
Zapier integration
Custom workflows

Replace your manual reporting process
with an AI-powered one today.

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